Femmes de Mars

Femmes de Mars is a collective set up by anti-discrimination activists and sensitive to feminist and LGBTQIA+ issues. It has been hosted at LieU’topie since its creation in 2018.
The Femmes de Mars collective (FMDM) in Clermont-Ferrand is non-partisan and political by the very nature of what it defends and by its action via the organisation of events with an educational aim. It was created in February 2018 to organise events around 8 March, Women’s Rights Week and Equality Fortnight.
It aims to educate, raise awareness, share, include, fight against all forms of discrimination, respect, mixity, equality and solidarity. It wishes to free speech and advocate for better living together, by taking part as it can in intersectionality and thus wishes to cultivate this place so that everyone can find their own.
If you share this vision: join us! Participate in events and meetings and organise a workshop yourself! The members of the Femmes de Mars collective are not professionals in the field, they are simply people who feel concerned and who wish to act at their own level based on their common values, their experiences and their life stories. What are you waiting for to participate and be actors of change? Let’s learn to unlearn together!
Contact us via PM, publication or email: collectiffemmesdemars@gmail.com
Our events
Silences Complices ?
Reacting to a situation of sexist and sexual violence I Mon. 27 Sept I 9.30am & 1.30pm @ Hall des Pas Perdus, La Comédie, Scène nationale de Clermont-Ferrand.
Théatre de l’Opprimé, Compagnie De(s)amorcé(s), in association with AVFT, European association against violence against women at work).
How to react to the banality of sexist behaviour and/or sexual violence? How to position oneself as a witness of sexual violence and bring about solidarity? This performance, thanks to a collaborative work with the actors, will allow you to find answers to these questions. It will help you to spot this violence, measure its extent and real consequences, understand its mechanisms and try to react.
Free reservation for students: here or by mail to contact@lieutopie.org
9.30 am: Session reserved for UCA staff I Reservation on the ENT ‘Espace formation des personnels
1.30 pm: Session dedicated to students, authorized to be absent from class exceptionally for the performance
Health pass and mask required. Reservations are strongly recommended as the capacity is limited!